Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One step forward

I have never considered myself a creative person. I can't draw, paint, sing, play an instrument, my cutting is horrific and handwriting even worse. What I've learned over these last years is that creativity comes in many forms. My art is entertaining my family, friends and neighbors. It's a labor of love. It's a way I express my love and appreciation for all they bring to my life. As much as they appreciate the food, wine and company, I am the one who gets the most satisfaction.

Over the last few years I have sporadically sent out emails containing recipe and entertaining ideas. The list has grown, the forwards have traveled the globe and the feedback has been wonderful. Thank you for validating a passion of mine.

So here is the 'The Vaccaro Family Table'. I hope this blog helps inspire your weekly menu, minimize entertaining anxiety, build your culinary confidence and most of all, bring even more delight, conversation and savory satisfaction to your family table.


CSDC said...

Yay! I get to be the first one to comment. Congratulations on accomplishing one of your 2008 goals. I have to say that I'm happy you've chosen one that benefits those of us who are not-so-kitchen-saavy. Also, I really appreciate the suggestions for sides (I had to pick those almost as much as I hate to decide what to make for dinner).

Can't wait for the next one.

Anne G said...

How cute is this! I love it - especially that it will let me be lazy by referring to your blog instead of printing out your recipes for my overly stuffed and messy recipe book.

lizzymo said...

This is wonderful. Pioneer Woman, watch out. You continue to amaze me every day, my dear!