Monday, August 15, 2011

Grandma Sylvia's Brisket

My grandparents passed away when I was only 5 years old. Since they've been gone most of my life, my mom, my aunt and uncle kept them alive in the stories they shared and the recipes they cooked. Some of the most favorite recipes are coffee cake, chopped liver (yes, this is actually an amazing recipe and the only one I enjoy), beef brisket and motzah ball soup. These are recipes that truly have been handed down from generations in Israel, Germany, Russia and of course many locations within the United States. To me this meal represents comfort, connection, flavor and in some ways optimism.

When cooking this meal, I can clearly picture my grandmother's large, black and white speckled covered roasting pan and her light, soft cotton apron. My mom is now the proud owner of this pan and actually traveled to Colorado with it when I had my first baby. My mom made sure she had brisket slow cooking in the oven when I arrived home from the hospital. I remember being so overwhelmed and extremely overtired holding this small new life, but sitting at the table that evening somehow allowed me to take a deep breath and rejuvenate for what was ahead.

Today, I am the proud parent of a first and fourth grader! As these apprehensive little kiddos were heading out the door to meet their teachers and reconnect with their friends, they excitedly reminded me that their meal of choice for their first day back is Grandma Sylvia's brisket. Pretty sure Grandma Florence, Grandma Sylvia, my mom, Aunt Linda, Uncle Bob and many other generations before are smiling with pure joy.

From many, many tables to yours...


  • 1 flat-cut beef brisket (Range from $14-18 at Costco)

  • 1 C ketchup (you can use the Heinz chili sauce if you prefer a little more zing)

  • 1 t garlic salt

  • 1 t onion salt

  • 4 dashes worcestershire sauce

  • 2 crushed cloves garlic (this is an extra add from the original)

  • 1 diced yellow onion (this is an extra add from the original)

  • 4 yellow potatoes, peeled and quartered

  • 2 C baby carrots


  • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

  • Select a roasting pan that is large enough to fit the brisket. Pour water into pan so it measures a depth of about 1/2 inch.

  • Prep carrots and potatoes, place into a bowl and cover with cold water - set aside.

  • In a small bowl, mix ketchup, garlic, garlic salt, onion salt, worcestershire sauce and onion.

  • Pour ketchup mixture into the water in the roasting pan and stir well.

  • Place brisket into the roasting pan, coat both sides with ketchup and water mixture. Once coated, make sure the brisket is fat side up and cover pan with foil.

  • Cook the meat for 2 hours (baste regularly), then add the carrots and potatoes to the pan, toss to coat.

  • Cook for another 30 minutes then remove the brisket and place on a cutting board.

  • At a diagonal, slice the brisket into 1/4 inch slices.

  • Return the sliced meat to the pan, toss gently to coat and cook for another 45 minutes.

Special Notes: My mom makes twice the amount of ketchup mixture in anticipation the liquid will evaporate, feel free to add as much as you like throughout the cooking process. Also, the brisket is awesome to serve that day, however it is exceptional the next day ..especially as a brisket sandwich!


Sarah Wu said...

Got a little teary-eyed over this one. Thanks Cam - beautiful post. Can't wait to make this!

Sarah Wu said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks. Love it. Will give this one a try- creating memories at our new little home. Loved your story.

Unknown said...

That "unknown" is me. :) I'll figure this out.